Comeback Girl
Hey guys, I have been seriously slacking on my blog over the past few weeks so I thought I would sit down and finally go through a few key things I have been photographing over the past month or so, and very quickly realised that it's a lot, so I will most likely split this up into a couple of posts over the next month or so, and not all on this one blog today.
So kicking things off then, while its very fresh in my mind, i'm going to take a look at some images taken this weekend. I travelled down the coast from Portishead, through to Clevedon, and then down to Weston-Super-Mare, stopping off to take images of the coastline as I went. It was a clear, bright (cold apparently) day, which was challenging for landscapes as there was little drama in the skyscape itself. However as the day wore on and the sun started to sink, the chance to get some great images increased.
Weston-Super-Mare Pier sunset Pt.1
Weston-Super-Mare Pier sunset Pt.2
Sunset from under a building on the beach at Weston-Super-Mare
The Sunset images below show just how quickly the sun was setting and how it changed the colours as it did so.
70-200mm F/4
35mm F/1.4
The final two images from the sunset (above) goes to my protege for the day, who did very well with her first DSLR shoot using my trusty Canon 7D with the 24-70mm F/2.8, and to my displeasure managed to bag a couple of the photos of the day, so gets to make my blog.....well done girl!! (see fig 1&2 above)
During the day, we had spent some time at Clevedon pier, taking advantage of the calm sea, clear skies and relatively quiet beach. I used my 10 stop ND filter here to give the sea a glassy still look to it which i think works well.
Clevedon Pier
With the light being so harsh during the day, I looked to try and use this to my advantage and get some more abstract, silhouette style images of people enjoying the sunshine. By shooting almost directly into the sun, it blows the background out, creating a totally different look and feel to the image which I really liked.
Moving on from this weekend, just a couple of quick ones to recap on before I forget. I was out shooting the supermoon in bristol at the beginning of february which ended up getting a little showing on BBC Bristol news which was great.
Super 'Blue' Moon
To capture this image I went up to Bristol Downs with my tripod, a tourch and my 400mm F/5.6 lens. The final image is composite of a series of 14 images, stacked on top of each other to get as much focus and clarity on the moon as possible. As it was so bright, I was able to use a low ISO which reduced noise dramatically.
Finally for this blog, I wanted to show a couple of images I took when I had the opportunity to test out flying a drone for the first time over clifton Suspension Bridge at the end of January. It was a great experience to see how these tiny things can be flown, and used with such ease. A big shout out to Simon Maclean who brought the Mavic pro out for me to see and apparently move around wearing a very large headset....... (see below)
The final two images above are taken by the drone, from above the bridge. I am very interested in the technology but, I don't think the camera is quite there yet in getting professional images. I think the drone is now becoming affordable and is great for filming but it is not quite there yet in picture quality. I could be wrong as it was a very grey, overcast cold day so maybe further testing is required before I even think about getting one.
That's it for this blog, hopefully my next one will be my 4 night Wales trip which i'm still editing so watch this space. As always any comments, likes and shares are always welcome.