Jonathan Moffat Photography

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Drone Strike Pt.4 - Lockdown Edition

When going out is not an option it was time to send up the drone to spy on the world from the comfort of my own home.

Presenting…..Bristol Lockdown from above.

Having the drone over this unprecedented lockdown period has been amazing, and has been another distraction I have had to keep me busy when going out is not an option. I wanted to try and show in some way the empty streets around Bristol, the likes of which won’t be witnessed again I don’t think so I tried to use the drone to try in some way to document the events from a very different point of view.

I started by taking the drone over an area close to my home and slowly broadened my search area to the centre of bristol.

As always I was also on the lookout for patterns and shapes in the architecture such as the images below taken over hotwells.

I flew the drone a little further afield, down to Brandon’s hill and around Park street in the centre of bristol to again try to show the empty streets and parks which would usually be packed in this weather.

One issue when shooting on such bright sunny days without filters is the haze from the distance combined with the bright blue sky can make the image look overly blue in the distance. I correct this issue in lightroom by bringing down the blue’s in the image as well as dehaze to bring out the detail in the areas furthest away.

Although devoid of traffic and people, it was still tricky to find a composition that showed the lack of cars on the road while also making for a good image of the city.